Saturday, December 20, 2014


My name is Seishin (lies! That's your Internet alias!) and I started this blog to map my progress on lucid dreaming, and hopefully soon i'll be able to tell people about what happens to me in my sleep and what I do while I'm there <3

So let me explain WHY I'm doing this...
I'm a dreamer. I yearn for a fantasy world that i'm never gonna have. But I was going through google ads today (clicking them out, of course) When I saw an ad for a dream supplement. I got curious, went on a few different websites, and five minutes later I was giving myself constant reality checks. ( i just did it as I wrote that)

So apparently you can train your mind, and there's a few techniques you can try, and once you get used to it you can do it a lot and really well, too. I want to bend reality, I want to create my fantasy, you know? I've always wanted to meet Hatsune Miku...that could be possible now >w<

I'm not saying it'll ever work, not anytime soon, even, but it won't kill to try and it'll be one heck of a journey. So, uhm, thx <3

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